Side Step

The following drill was created by Alex Haddox. Alex is an NRA Certified instructor, martial arts expert, computer virus expert, podcaster and has studied under world renown masters.  Please visit his site and check out what he has to offer.  His website.  His Podcast. Belongs to Guns Right Radio Network.

Side Step 1

Time Start:    Random: 00:05:00 to 00:06:00
Target Start:    None
Audio Start:    Commands & Beep
Target Stay Time:    00:00:00
Target Re-appear Time:    00:05:00
Restart Drill In:    00:04:00
Drill Duration:    00:10:00
Note:    Self-Defense Drill 1

This is a slow drill designed to reinforce proper movements and technique. Conduct this drill until the movements are smooth and easy. In the future, this can also be used as a warm-up exercise before moving to the later drills.
Complete all shots before the second beep.

1.   Start with your hands in the ready position.
2.   On the signal, step off the line of attack, 2 or more steps, to either the left or right side.
3.   Draw.
4.   Fire 2 shots to the body.
5.   Fire 1 shot to the head.
6.   Switch to the low-ready position.
7.   Scan the area for additional threats.
8.   Holster slowly and safely.

Side Step 2
Time Start:    Random: 00:03:00 to 00:04:00
Target Start:    None
Audio Start:    Commands & Beep
Target Stay Time:    00:00:00
Target Re-appear Time:    00:03:00
Restart Drill In:    00:04:00
Drill Duration:    00:10:00
Note:    Self-Defense Drill 2
This is a faster drill designed to increase reaction time. Conduct this drill until the movements are smooth and easy.

Complete all shots before the second beep.

1.   Start with your hands in the ready position.
2.   On the signal, step off the line of attack, 2 or more steps, to either the left or right side.
3.   Draw.
4.   Fire 2 shots to the body.
5.   Fire 1 shot to the head.
6.   Switch to the low-ready position.
7.   Scan the area for additional threats.
8.   Holster slowly and safely.

Side Step 3
Time Start:    Random: 00:01:00 to 00:07:00
Target Start:    None
Audio Start:    Commands & Beep
Target Stay Time:    00:00:00
Target Re-appear Time:    00:01:75
Restart Drill In:    00:04:00
Drill Duration:    00:10:00
Note:    Self-Defense Drill 3
This is a full-speed drill designed to increase reaction time and simulate a real-world encounter.

Complete all shots before the second beep.

1.   Start with your hands in the ready position.
2.   On the signal, step off the line of attack, 2 or more steps, to either the left or right side.
3.   Draw.
4.   Fire 2 shots to the body.
5.   Fire 1 shot to the head.
6.   Switch to the low-ready position.
7.   Scan the area for additional threats.
8.   Holster slowly and safely.

Notes:  ecolon - I did 20 reps of each one.  Once I figured out the how to do it in the room, things worked.  I set two targets both on the same wall at opposite sides of each other, had to use IPSC targets, not the best ones to simulate head shots but what are you going to do.  Setting the targets like that let me move from one side of the room to the other.  So when I started I had all the room to my left or right to move.  When I finished one rep, I was already on the other side and I could start the next rep.  I think you can set this drill for a live fire session.   You might have to tweak the settings but if you set it just like its done here with two targets and moving left to right then right to left and so on, it could work.  Remember everyone, quality Repetitions are far better than just lots of repetitions.

For live fire you can Set the Drill Duration to 10 Times on all three drills, that is about two box of ammo.  Good training session.  

Thanks Alex


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